Sunday, March 2, 2008

Kofi Annan successfully mediated talks

Kofi Annan has left Kenya, after successfully mediating talks between President Kibaki and Raila Odinga. They have agreed to create the position of Prime Minister, and Raila Odinga has filled the position.

To read the whole story, click on the link below.


Kenya project updates:

1. RAFFLE and ROAD RACE being planned! Amanda and Christina have begun approaching businesses for product donations.
2. Waiting to hear back from the Keen grant - applied to by Molly.
3. Development office is helping us approach three major companies - great job Molly and Dawn!

1. Technical Report is almost ready to be turned in by our technical team, and will be a reference tool when communicating with the village and choosing sustainable, practicle water technologies to implement.
2. The team plans on traveling to Kenya this August, if all goes well with fundraising and if it is a good time to visit Kenya.
3. Surveys for the three drilling sites are happening soon!

EWB Chapter:
We're looking for people to fill officer positions! :)

-Christina Stauber
Project Manager